The BMD wheel carousel is the next generation system to store large amounts of wheels in a small volume in or after the production line. By doing this it is possible to regulate the production flow between different machines without interfering overall production time. One carrousel can store the same amount of wheels as a 12 meter long track (approx. 14 wheels), however our solution needs only 1.8 meter in diameter. The wheels are detected and the carousel will move ahead and set a free slot ready to be filled. Using the carousel after the truing machine makes a good storage place for the wheels that are going to be fitted with tyres. The machine is constructed with hard wood or plastic guides to give maximum protection to the wheel surfaces.

Whether you need to store

aluminium rims,
carbon rims
or e-bike rims

you can trust our proven wheel carousels. Our holders are used both in warehouse and between operations.

One carrousel can store up to 14 wheels.

1.8 meter in diameter only.



BMD Bohemia

The wheels are detected and the carousel will move ahead and set a free slot ready to be filled.

BMD Bohemia

The machine is constructed with hard wood or plastic guides to give maximum protection to the wheel surfaces.

BMD Bohemia


Santa Cruz Bicycles factory uses BMD machines